Corry Shores
Phone: +90 312 210 3175 Office: B135
Contemporary French Philosophy, Gilles Deleuze, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Henri Bergson, Phenomenology, Edmund Husserl, Modern Philosophy, Baruch Spinoza, Aesthetics, Philosophy of Art, Transhumanism.
Ph.D. in Center for Phenomenology and Continental Philosophy, University of Leuven, Belgium, 2012
M.Phil, in Philosophy of Culture, University of Leuven, Belgium,2008
M.A. in Philosophy, University of Leuven, Belgium, 2007
B.A. in Philosophy and English, St. Vincent College, USA, 2002
Refereed Journal Articles
‘Cinematic Signs and the Phenomenology of Time: Deleuze and the Visual Experience of Temporal Depth’. Studia Phaenomenologica, vol.16, 2016, pp. 343–372, 10.5840/studphaen20161613.
‘“Ragged Time” in Intra-panel Comics Rhythms’. The Comics Grid: Journal of Comics Scholarship 6, 2016, DOI: 10.16995/cg.79.
‘In the Still of the Moment: Deleuze’s Phenomena of Motionless Time’. Deleuze Studies, 2014, vol. 8.2, pp. 199–229, DOI: 10.3366/dls.2014.0143.
‘Self Shock: The Phenomenon of Personal Non-Identity in Inorganic Subjectivity’. Yearbook on the History and Interpretation of Phenomenology, 2013, pp. 157–183, DOI: 10.3726/978-3-653-04480-5.
‘Body and World in Merleau-Ponty and Deleuze’. Studia Phaenomenologica, vol. 12, 2012, pp. 181–209, DOI: 10.7761/SP.12.181.
‘Misbehaving Machines: The Emulated Brains of Transhumanist Dreams’. Journal of Evolution and Technology, vol. 22, issue 1, 2011, pp. 10–22.
Book Chapters
‘Dialetheism in the Structure of Phenomenal Time’. In Logical Studies of Paraconsistent Reasoning in Science and Mathematics, Springer, 2016, pp. 145-157, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-40220-8_10
‘The Minor Machinery of Animal Packs: Becoming as Survival in Spiegelman’s Maus’. In Graphic Novels as Philosophy, University Press of Mississippi, 2016, forthcoming.
‘Being Machine: Two Competing Models for Neuroprosthesis’. In Medicine and Society, New Continental Perspectives, Springer, 2015, pp. 271–294, DOI: 10.1007/978-94-017-9870-9_
Book Reviews
Review of Henry Somers-Hall, Deleuze’s Difference and Repetition: An Edinburgh Philosophical Guide. In The Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology, 2016, forthcoming.
Review of Henry Somers-Hall, Hegel, Deleuze, and the Critique of Representation: Dialectics of Negation and Difference. In The Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology, 2015, vol. 46, number 1, pp. 87–88.
Review of James Williams, Gilles Deleuze’s Philosophy of Time: A Critical Introduction and Guide. In The Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology, vol. 23, number 2, May, 2012, pp. 220–221.
Invited Workshops and Talks
‘A Little Time in Its Pure State: Debating the Structure of the Specious Present’. Philosophy Faculty of the Middle East Technical University, Ankara, October 2014.
‘Watching Philosophy: Multimedia Interactivity of Deleuze’s Cinematic Texts’. Digital Humanities Summer School, Digital Philosophy section, at the Faculty of Arts, University of Leuven, Belgium, September 2014.
‘Machinic Interference in Posthuman Prosthetic Enhancement’. Interference conference on anarchism and computer hacking, at de Binnenpret, Amsterdam, August 2014.
‘On the Structure of Time: Diagramming the Phenomenal Present to Model the Experience of Change’. Husserl Archives and Centre for Phenomenology, University of Leuven, Belgium, June 2014.
‘Expressionism in Film Framing’. MA Aesthetics Seminar, Philosophy Faculty of the University of Leuven, Belgium, June 2014.
‘Momentary Memory: Modeling Phenomenal Time with the Instantaneously Variable Present’. Philosophy Faculty of Bilkent University, Ankara, May 2014.
‘Diagrams of Infinity: Spinoza and the Origins of Calculus’. Philosophy Faculty of the Middle East Technical University, Ankara, December 2012.
‘Rhythm without Time: Difference & Phenomena’. London Graduate School, Rhythm & Event conference, October 2011, co-authored with Scott Wollschleger.
‘Motionless Duration in Deleuze’s Bergson’. Bergson workshop at the Husserl Archives and Centre for Phenomenology, University of Leuven, Belgium, June 2011.
Conference Presentations
‘Modeling the Machinery of Sensory Memory: Deleuze, Automata, and Eisenstein’. International Deleuze Studies annual conference. Istanbul Technical University, July 2014.
‘Instantaneous Contradiction in Motion and Perception: Modeling the Phenomenal Present with a Dialetheic Logic of Time’. Paraconsistent Reasoning in Science and Mathematics. Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, June 2014.
‘Who’s the Real Paul Masson? Personal Non-Identity in Deleuze’s Orson Welles’. International Deleuze Studies annual conference, Tulane University, New Orleans, June 2012.
‘Friendship as a Condition for Thought’. Higher Institute of Philosophy, annual graduate student conference, University of Leuven, Belgium, May 2012, coauthored with Julie Van der Wielen.
‘Cinema and Synthesis: Time for a Pre-Processed Deleuze’. Dutch Association of Aesthetics, annual conference, University of Leuven, March 2012.
‘Kneading Friendship: Deleuze, Blanchot, and the Folding of Disciplines’. Goldsmiths College, London, Deleuze, Philosophy, Transdisciplinarity conference, February 2012, coauthored with Julie Van der Wielen.
‘Difference & Sensation: Deleuze’s Spinozistic Affect’. Dutch Association of Aesthetics, Philosophy of Art conference, Utrecht, November 2011.
‘Dada and Phenomena: Butchering Merleau-Ponty’s Flesh with Deleuze’s Differential Machines’. International Deleuze Studies annual conference, Copenhagen Business School, June 2011.
‘Cézanne and the Phenomenon: Painting Divergences in Merleau-Ponty and Deleuze’. Dutch Association of Aesthetics, annual conference, University of Ghent, Belgium, May 2011.
‘Figure and Phenomena: Deleuze’s Anti-Gestaltist Perceptions’. Higher Institute of Philosophy, annual graduate student conference, University of Leuven, Belgium, April 2011.
‘The Still of Time: A-Temporal Phenomena in the Duration of Deleuze’s Bergson’. Bergson and His Postmodern and Immanent Legacies conference, Kingston University, London, February 2011.
‘Resonance & Phenomena: Sensations of Intensity’. Resonance(s): A Deleuze and Guattari Conference on Philosophy, Arts and Politics, Istanbul Bilgi University, April 2010.
‘The Dueling Melodies of Spinoza, Hume, Bergson, and Husserl: Deleuze’s Anti-Phenomenology’. International Deleuze Studies annual conference, University of Cologne, August 2009.
‘Do Posthumanists Dream of Pixilated Sheep? Bostrom & Sandberg’s Brain Emulation, Examined and Critiqued’. Society for Philosophy and Technology annual conference, University of Twente, Holland, July 2009.