David Grünberg
E-mail: david Phone: +90 312 210 5338 Office: B-141
Analytic Ontology, General Philosophy of Science AREAS OF COMPETENCE Introductory and Intermediate Logic, Epistemology, Philosophy of Logic |
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PhD: Middle East Technical University, Department of Philosophy, 1994.
Dissertation Title: "On the Possibility of Epistemic Justification: A Semantico-Epistemic Approach"
MA: Middle East Technical University, Department of Philosophy, 1985.
Thesis Title: “T-theoretical Single-Case Propensity Interpretation of Probability”
BA: Middle East Technical University, Department of Business Administration, 1981.
Academic Works
Professor: Department of Philosophy, Middle East Technical University (2009-present).
Associate Professor: Department of Philosophy, Middle East Technical University (2002-2009).
Assistant Professor: Department of Philosophy, Middle East Technical University (1999-2002).
Instructor: Faculty of Art and Science, Middle East Technical University (1994-1998).
Teaching Assistant: Department of Philosophy, Middle East Technical University (1983-1986 and 1988-1994).
Administrative Works
Vice-Chair: METU-Department of Philosophy, Middle East Technical University (16.7.1999-2.10.2001).
Vice-Chair: METU-Department of Philosophy, Middle East Technical University (2003-2005).
(With Teo Grünberg) Metafizik [Metaphysics], Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları [Anadolu University Publications] (ed. İskender Taşdelen), Eskişehir, 2010 (2nd. edition 2011).
(With Teo Grünberg) Bilim Felsefesi [Philosophy of Science] Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları [Anadolu University Publications] (ed. İskender Taşdelen), Eskişehir, 2011 (2nd. edition 2012).
(With Teo Grünberg, Adnan Onart, and Halil Turan) Mantık Terimleri Sözlüğü [Dictionary of Terms of Logic], METU Press, Ankara, 2003.
Articles in Internationally Indexed Journals Or Book Series (in English)
"Husserl's Transcendental Phenomenology and the Mind-Body Problem", Analecta Husserliana XCIV (2007), pp. 237–258. [Phil. Index]
"Confirmation of Scientific Theories: Bootstrapping with a Bayesian Face", Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 244 (2005), pp. 87–102. [Phil. Index]
"The Meaning of Life vis-à-vis the Challenges of the Present-Day World", Analecta Husserliana LXXXIV (2005), pp. 13–31. [Phil. Index]
"Three Basic Ontological Relations Concerning the Physical Realm", Metaphysica 6 (2005), pp. 85–109. [Phil. Index]
"On the Ontological Structure of Husserl's Perceptual Noema and the Object of Perception", Analecta Husserliana LXXXVIII (2005), pp. 175-195. [Phil. Index]
"T-Theoretical Single-Case Ontic Probability", Yeditepe'de Felsefe (Philosophy at Yeditepe) 4 (2005), pp. 226-248. [Phil. Index]
"The Endurance of Aesthetic Objects and the Relative Durability of Scientific Theories", Analecta Husserliana LXXXIII (2004), pp. 631–647. [Phil. Index]
Articles in Internationally Indexed Journals (in Turkish)
"Harun Rızatepe'nin ‘Uzayman Bölgeleri ve Özellikler—İki Soru' Adlı Eleştiri Yazısına Yanıt" ["A Reply to Harun Rızatepe's ‘Space-time Regions and Properties—Two questions'"], Felsefe Tartışmaları: A Turkish Journal of Philosophy 32 (2004), pp. 67–69. [Phil. Index]
"Tümeller Tartışması ve Ilımlı Adcılık (II): Tümeller Sorunu ve Çeşitli Görüşler", ["The Quarrelof Universals and Moderate Nominalism (II): Various Views"], Felsefe Tartışmaları: A Turkish Journal of Philosophy 30 (2003), pp. 141–157. [Phil. Index]
"Fiziksel Varlık Alanının Ontolojisi" ["The Ontology of the Physical Realm"], Felsefe Dünyası 38 (2003), pp. 21–40. [Phil. Index]
"Tümeller Tartışması ve Ilımlı Adcılık I: Tümeller Sorununun Dilsel-Mantıksal Çerçevesi" ["The Quarrel of Universals and Moderate Nominalism (I): The Logico-linguistic Framework of the Quarrel"], Felsefe Tartışmaları: A Turkish Journal of Philosophy 29 (2002), pp. 57–67. [Phil. Index]
Other Academic Publications Including Abstracts of Conference Presentations (in English)
"Three Basic Ontological Relations" (abstract), XXIst World Congress of Philosophy, Istanbul, 2003, p.135.
"Metaphysical Presuppositions and Scientific Rationality" (full paper), Proceedings of the Metaphysics for the Third Millennium Conference Vol II, Ecuador, 2002, pp. 63-68.
"Ontological Epistemology: Natural Kinds and Laws in Natural Science and Mathematics" (abstract), Third Principia International Symposium, Florianópolis, Brazil, 2003, pp. 37–38.
"Bootstrapping and the Problem of Testing Quantitative Theoretical Hypotheses" (full paper selected for publication), in Tian Yu Cao (ed.), Proceedings of the 20th World Congress of Philosophy, Volume 10: Philosophy of Science, pp. 143-150, Philosophy Documentation Center, Bowling Green, OH, 2001.
"Wittgenstein's On Certainty and Analytic Epistemology" (abstract), 3rd. European Congress of Analytic Philosophy, pp. 87-88, Maribor, 1999.
"Christensen's Pairs of Counterexamples: The Underdeterminacy Problem of Glymour's Confirmation Theory" (abstract), 11th International Congress of Logic Methodology and Philosophy of Science, p. 166, Cracow, 1999.
"Bootstrapping and the Problem of Testing Quantitative Theoretical Hypotheses" (abstract), 20th World Congress of Philosophy, p. 85, Boston, 1998.
"A Wittgensteinian Approach to Truth" (full paper), 20th International Wittgenstein Symposium, Kirchberg am Wechsel, Vol. I, pp. 330-335, Kirchberg am Wechsel, 1997.
Other Academic Publications (in Turkish)
Articles in Refereed Journals
"Kant, Aşkınsal Çıkarımlar ve Kuşkuculuk" ["Kant, Transcendental Arguments, and Skepticism"], Cogito 41–42 (2005), pp. 87-95.
"Etik ve Yaşamın Anlamı" ["Ethics and the Meaning of Life"], Erdem 15 (2005), pp. 147–159.
"Doğruya, İyiye, Güzele: Teo Grünberg'le Söyleşi" ["Interview with Teo Grünberg: Toward Truth, Good, and Beautiful"], Cogito 40 (2004), pp. 38–50.
(With Teo Grünberg) "Toplum Bilimleri Yönteminde Pozitivizm: Adorno-Popper Tartışması" ["Positivism in the Methods of Social Sciences: The Adorno-Popper Dispute"], Cogito 36 (2003), pp. 124 – 141.
"Arda Denkel'in Töz Anlayışı: Bir Eleştiriye Yanıt" ["Arda Denkel's Understanding of Substance: A Reply to a Criticism"], Felsefe Tartışmaları 28 (2001), pp. 77–84.
"Felsefede Salt Uslamlama Yolu ile Düşünce Karşıtlıkları Giderilebilir mi?" ["Can the Disputes in Philosophy be Settled Merely by Reason?"], Felsefe Tartışmaları, 23 (1998), pp. 57–60.
"Kuram Yüklü Niceliklere Örnek Olarak ‘Olasılık' " [" ‘Probability' as an Example of Theory-laden Quantities"], Seminer (özel sayı) 6 (1989), pp. 289–295.
Chapter in a Book
"Kaplamsal Anlam, İçlemsel Anlam ve Teorik Terimler" ["Extensional Meaning, Intensional Meaning, and Theoretical Terms"], Anlam Kavramı Üzerine Yeni Denemeler [New Essays Concerning the Concept of Meaning]. Editors: Sibel Kibar, Selma Aydın Bayram and Ayhan Sol, Legal Kitapevi, Istanbul, 2010, pp. 167 – 172.
"Gerekçelendirme ve Doğruluk" ["Justification and Truth"], Bilgi Felsefesi [Philosophy of Knowledge]. Editors: Betül Çotuksöken and Ahu Tunçel, Heyamola Yayınları, Istanbul, 2010, pp. 33 – 44.
"Gerekçelendirme Sorununa Semantik-Epistemik Bir Yaklaşım" ["A Semantico-Epistemic Approach to the Problem of Justification"], Bir Us ve Bilim Savaşçısı: Cemal Yıldırım'a Armağan. Editors: Kumru Arapgirlioğlu, Hürkan Çelebi, Nurtaç Ekşi, Ruken Kızıler ve Yaman Örs, İmge Kitapevi Yayınları, Ankara, 2008, pp. 157 – 167.
"Üç Temel Ontolojik Bağıntı" ["Three Basic Ontological Relations"], Teoman Duralı'ya Armağan: Bir Felsefe-Bilim Çağrısı. Festschrift in Honor of Teoman Duralı. Editor: Cengiz Çakmak, Dergâh Yayınları, Istanbul, 2008, s. 284 – 289.
"Tropların Biraradalığı: Simons-Denkel Tartışması" ["Compresence of Tropes: Simons-Denkel Dispute"], Arda Denkel'in Ardından. Editors: Gürol Irzık and İlhan İnan, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Yayınevi, Istanbul, 2005, pp. 72–81.
"Doğa Bilimleri Felsefesinde Fiziksel Nicelikler Problemi" ["The Problem of Physical Quantities in Philosophy of Natural Sciences"], Yaman Örs Armağanı. Editors: İlter Uzel et al., Çukurova Üniversitesi Basımevi, Adana, 2005, pp. 421-434.
"Bilimsel Yöntem ve Sınama Biçimleri" ["The Method of Science and Kinds of Confirmation"], Felsefe Ansiklopedisi, Cilt 2. Editor: Ahmet Cevizci, Etik Yayınları, Istanbul, 2004, pp. 569–574.
"Geç Wittgenstein'da ‘Kesinlik' Kavramı ve Analitik Bilgi Kuramı" ["The Concept of ‘Certainty' in Later Wittgenstein and Analytic Theory of Knowledge"], Vehbi Hacıkadiroğlu Armağanı: Felsefe Tartışmaları, Editors: Doğan Özlem, Hayrettin Ökçesiz ve Şükrü Argın, pp. 204–213. Everest Yayınları, Istanbul, 2002.
"Eğitim-Felsefe İlişkisi Üzerine" ["On the Relation between Education and Philosophy"], Felsefe Eğitimi ve Sorunları, Editor: Petek Aşkar, pp. 151–159. Türk Eğitim Derneği Yayınları, Ankara, 2002.
Published Conference Presentations
"Uygulamalı Etik ve Aristoteles'te Etik-Retorik İlişkisi" ["Applied Ethics and Ethics-Rhetoric Relation in Aristotle"], 1. Ulusal Uygulamalı Etik Kongresi, ODTÜ, Ankara, 2003, pp. 207- 210.
(With David Davenport) "Özgürlüklerin Bedeli" ["Price for Freedom"] 1, Bilişim Toplumuna Giderken Psikoloji, Sosyoloji ve Hukukta Etkiler Sempozyumu 2001, Ankara, 2001, pp. 59-64.
(With Ayhan Sol) "Jeolojinin Bilimsel Niteliği Üzerine Tartışma" ["On the Scientific Nature of Geology"], 46. Türkiye Jeoloji Kurultayı Bildirileri, pp. 85-89, Ankara, 1994.
Unpublished Conference Presentations
"Justification and Truth", The Humanities on the Birth of the Third Millennium Conference, Ankara, 2000.
"Truth as a Function of, but not Identical to, Justification", 2nd Meeting of the Central European Section of ESAP Conference, Budapest, 2000.
"Bootstrapping and the Problem of Testing Theoretical Hypotheses", Science, its Philosophy and History Conference, Athens, 1998.
International Conference Organization
The Humanities on the Birth of the Third Millennium Conference, Ankara, 2000.
Works in Progress
"Back to Bootstrapping in the Strict Sense"
(With Teo Grünberg and Gürol Irzık) "Carnap and Semantic Holism"
"Object-Trope Theory and Storrs McCall's Logic of Abstract Individuals"
"Toward a Convergence Theory of Truth"
(With Teo Grünberg) "A New Theory of Truth and Meaning"
Grünberg, Teo., "Long Run Consistency of Beliefs As Criterion of Empirical Knowledge", Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science (eds. I. Kuçuradi and R. S. Cohen), Kluwer: Dordrecht, 1995, Vol. 170, p.160.
Fulbright scholarship for Ph.D. studies, Department of Philosophy, Florida State University, USA, 1986-1987.
Middle East Technical University (METU) Academic Performance Award, 2008.
METU Academic Performance Award, 2006.
METU Academic Performance Award, 2004.
METU Academic Performance Award, 2002.
Awards given by Turkish Academy of Science for articles published in internationally indexed journals (6 times).
ESAP (European Society for Analytic Philosophy)
The Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society
International Husserl and Phenomenological Research Society
Philosophical Association of Turkey
Turkish Institute of Philosophy
Doctoral Theses Supervised
Ahmet Eyim, "A Reconsideration of the Problem of Universals: A Contemporary Perspective, Middle East Technical University, 2012.
Arzu Yeğin, "A Non-Egological Interpretation of Husserl's Phenomenology", Middle East Technical University, 2008.
E. Funda Neslioğlu, "The Formation of the Self as Mental Unity and Moral Agency in Hume's Philosophy", Middle East Technical University, 2008.
Gökhan Bariş Bağcı, "New Directions in the Direction of Time", Middle East Technical University, 2006. (With Teo Grünberg.)
İskender Taşdelen, "Resemblance: A Logico-Philosophical Analysis", Middle East Technical University, 2005.
Süleyman Aydın, "A Misconstrual of Evidentialism: Alvin Plantinga and Belief in God", Middle East Technical University, 2004.
Master's Theses Supervised
Nusret Ertemiz, "Some Set-Theoretical Traces in Leibniz's Works", Middle East Technical University, 2011.
Ahmet Bora Ercan, Wittgenstein and Zen Buddhism", Middle East Technical University, 2010.
Arman Besler, "A Discussion on How to Formulate the Question of Contingency in Leibniz's System: A Logical Approach", Middle East Technical University, 2008.
Hasan E. Çağatay, "An Attempt to Make a Definition of 'Existence' and Constructing a Foundation for an Axiomatic Ontology System", Middle East Technical University, 2007. (With Teo Grünberg.)
Özgür Uçak, "Plato's Solution of the Problem of Falsehood in the Sophist", Middle East Technical University, 2005.
Umut Karagöz, "Is The Metaphysical Status of 'Language-Game' in Later Wittgensteinian Philosophy of Language Revolutionary or Not?" Middle East Technical University, 2005.
Tankut Beygu, "A Study on the Relation between Logic and Information", Middle East Technical University, 2003.
Murat Arıcı, "A Study on the Connection between Justification and Truth", Middle East Technical University, 2003.
Besim Karakadılar, "Logic, Logicism, and Intuitions in Mathematics", Middle East Technical University, 2001. (With Teo Grünberg).
Aziz F. Zambak, "A Metaphilosophical Critique of Wittgensteinian Methodological Approach: How Can Philosophy of Wittgenstein Provide New Perspectives to Philosophy and Social Sciences?" Middle East Technical University, 2001.
A. Hadi Adanalı, "Logical Form and Grammatical Form in Bertrand Russell", Middle East Technical University, 2001. (With Teo Grünberg.)
Arzu Yeğin, "Philosophy of Mind in Descartes", Middle East Technical University, 2001.
S. Fehmi Ağduk, "Some Epistemological Problems in Heraclitean Philosophy", Middle East Technical University, 2000. Uzay Kılıç, "The Later Wittgenstein's Understanding of Meaning: A Vindication", Middle East Technical University, 1999.
Graduate Seminars
Philosophy of science (over the last four years together with Teo Grünberg): includes topics like confirmation of scientific theories, scientific explanation, realism/anti-realism debate, structural realism, philosophy of probability.
Ontology (three times)
Epistemology: Theories of Epistemic Justification (three times)
Epistemology: Theories of Truth (two times)
Undergraduate Courses
Logic I (over the last ten years)
Logic II (over the last ten years)
Systematic Philosophy (over the last five years)
Introduction to Theory of Knowledge (three times)
Introduction to Philosophy (four times)
Contemporary Philosophy I: Analytic Tradition (two times)
Contemporary Philosophy II: Continental Tradition (two times)
Philosophy of Language (two times)
Philosophy of Logic (two times)
Philosophy of Technology (two times)