Aret Karademir
Phone: +90 312 210 5971 Office: B-121
Social and Political Philosophy
20th Century Continental Philosophy
19th Century Ottoman Armenian Philosophy
Ph.D., Philosophy, 2013, University of South Florida
M.A., Philosophy, 2009, Middle East Technical University
B.A., Tourism and Hotel Management, 2005, Abant Izzet Baysal University
Middle East Technical University, Department of Philosophy, Professor, 2025-Continues
Middle East Technical University, Department of Philosophy, Associate Professor, 2019-2025
Middle East Technical University, Department of Philosophy, Assistant Professor, 2014-2019
University of South Florida, Department of Philosophy, Graduate Teaching Associate, 2009-2013
Middle East Technical University, Department of Philosophy, Research Assistant, 2008-2009
Chair, Department of Philosophy, Middle East Technical University, 2023-Continues
Vice Chair, Department of Philosophy, Middle East Technical University, 2014-2020
- Karademir, Aret. Queering Multiculturalism: Liberal Theory, Ethnic Pluralism, and the Problem of Minorities-within-Minorities. Maryland: Lexington Books, 2018.
Journal Articles Indexed by SCI, SSCI, and AHCI
Karademir, Aret. "The Armenian of Hikmet-i Cedide: Philosophy in the Late Ottoman Empire." New Perspectives on Turkey (early access).
Karademir, Aret. "The Introduction of Modern Western Philosophy in the Ottoman Empire: Armenian Thinkers." Modern Intellectual History (early access).
Karademir, Aret. "Minority Rights and Public Autonomy: A Non-Culturalist Argument for Accommodating Ethno-Cultural Diversity." The Philosophical Forum 52 (2021): 121-137.
Karademir, Aret and Şen, Mustafa. "The Case of Alevis in Turkey: A Challenge to Liberal Multiculturalism." Southeast European and Black Sea Studies 21 (2021): 147-165.
Karademir, Aret. "Non-Chauvinist Multiculturalism: A Critical Encounter between Butler and Kymlicka on the Way to the Emancipationist Model of Minority Rights." The Philosophical Forum 48 (2017): 423-448.
Karademir, Aret. "Butler and Heidegger: On the Relation between Freedom and Marginalization." Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy 29 (2014): 824-839.
Karademir, Aret. "Heidegger and Foucault: On the Relation between the Anxiety-Engendering-Truth and Being-towards-Freedom." Human Studies: A Journal for Philosophy and the Social Sciences 36 (2013): 375-392.
Karademir, Aret. "Heidegger and Discrimination: On the Relation between Historicity and Marginalization." The Philosophical Forum 44 (2013): 205-231.
Karademir, Aret. "Heidegger and Nazism: On the Relation between German Conservatism, Heidegger, and the National Socialist Ideology." The Philosophical Forum 44 (2013): 99-123.
Articles Published in Other Journals
- Karademir, Aret. "The Conundrum of Being a Minority: Choosing a Collective Identity in the Era of Neoliberal Globalism." Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 78 (2023): 813-832.
- Karademir, Aret. "Foucault ve Ulusalcılık." Kaygı: Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Felsefe Dergisi 30 (2018): 159-171.
- Karademir, Aret. "Liberal Çokkültürcülük: (Çok)Ulusalcı Liberalizm ve Azınlık-içindeki-Azınlıklar Sorunsalı." Kilikya Felsefe Dergisi 1 (2017): 19-41.
- Karademir, Aret. "Michael Walzer ve Komüniteryen Bireycilik." Kaygı: Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Felsefe Dergisi 27 (2016): 111-126.
- Karademir, Aret. "Foucault ve Cinsellik Deney(im)i Kurgusu." Kilikya Felsefe Dergisi 2 (2015): 86-100.
- Karademir, Aret. "Nietzsche's Politics: Dynamis or Stasis?" Southwest Philosophy Review 29 (2013): 39-47.
- Karademir, Aret. "Habermas and the Impasse of Universalism." Kaygı: Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Felsefe Dergisi 18 (2012):111-121.
- Karademir, Aret. "Against Paralogy: The so-called Necrosis in the Postmodern Body." Yeditepe'de Felsefe 10 (2011): 120-149.
- Karademir, Aret and Sandıkçıoğlu, Pakize Arıkan. 2009. "David Lewis'in Modal Realizminde Dünya-Ötesi Karşıolgusal Önermeler, İkinci-Dereceden Dünyalar ve Dünyalar-Arası Nedensellik Sorunları." Felsefe Tartışmaları 43 (2009): 1-15.
- Karademir, Aret. "Foucault and Sexuality: The Possibility of Resistance among Ubiquitous Power Relations." Yeditepe'de Felsefe 7 (2008): 159-192.
Book Chapters
- Karademir, Aret. "Aydınlanma Tarihimizin Karanlıkta Kalan İsimleri: Nahabet Rusinyan ve Genç Ermeniler." In Aydınlanmalar, Demokrasi, Günümüz Üzerine Düşünceler, eds. H. Nur Beyaz Erkızan and Mustafa Günay, 132-147. Bursa: Sentez Yayıncılık, 2023.
- Karademir, Aret. "Heidegger as a Modern Spiritualist: A Foucauldian Interpretation." In Epistemological, Ethical and Political Issues in Modern Philosophy, eds. Eray Yağanak and Ahmet Umut Hacıfevzioğlu, 23-36. Berlin: Peter Lang, 2018.
- Karademir, Aret and Kılıçlı, Gizem. "Çokkültürcü Felsefe, Çokkültürlü Sorunlar, Çokkültürel Çalışmalar." In Kimlik Siyaseti ve Azınlık Sorunu: Felsefi Sorgulamalar, eds. Eray Yağanak and Hüdayi Sayın, 11-43. Ankara: Sentez Yayıncılık, 2017.
- Karademir, Aret. "Ayrımcılık." In Felsefe Diyalogları, ed. Eray Yağanak, 51-67. İstanbul: Sentez Yayıncılık, 2016.
- Karademir, Aret. "Tarih içerisinde Kurulan Anlam." In Anlam Kavrami Üzerine Yeni Denemeler, eds. Sibel Kibar, Selma Aydın Bayram and Ayhan Sol, 145-155. İstanbul: Legal Kitabevi, 2010.
- Kanonun Ötesinde, Zımmiliğin Kıyısında: Osmanlı Ermenileri ve Felsefe, Siyasal Düşünce Tarihinde Kanonlar Sempozyumu, İstanbul, 2023.
- Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda Modern Batı Felsefesi: Hikmet-i Cedide’nin Ermenicesi, Tarih Vakfı Ankara Tartışmaları, Ankara, 2023.
- Din-Kültür Eğitimi, Azınlıklar ve Diğerleri, Etik, İnançlar ve Egitim Sempozyumu, İstanbul, 2018.
- Liberal Teori ve Etnik Çoğulculuk, DTCF Felsefe Konuşmaları, Ankara, 2018.
- Butler and Kymlicka: The Emancipationist Model of Multiculturalism, American Philosophical Association, Eastern Division, Baltimore, MD, 2017.
- Foucault ve Siyasi Bir Yaşam Tarzı Olarak Felsefe, Düşünbil Akademi: Foucault Sempozyumu, Ankara, 2016.
- Foucault ve Cinsellik Deney(imi) Kurgusu, Hasan Ünal Nalbantoğlu Sempozyumu IV: Bilimlerde Kuram ve Deneyim, Ankara, 2015.
- Nietzsche’s Politics: Dynamis or Stasis, 74th Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Philosophical Society, New Orleans, LA, 2012.
- Judith Butler and Authentic Solicitude, 58th Annual Conference of the Florida Philosophical Association, Orlando, FL, 2012.
- Tarih içerisinde Kurulan Anlam, ODTÜ Felsefe Gunleri: Anlam Kongresi, Ankara, 2008.
Toplumsal Cinsiyet: Şiddet Ulus Aktivizm, III. Ulusal Uygulamalı Etik Kongresi, Ankara, 2018.
University of South Florida
Introduction to Philosophy
Science and Society
Critical Thinking
Middle East Technical University
Introduction to Philosophy I
Introduction to Philosophy II
Philosophy of Sex and Gender
Contemporary Political Philosophy
Philosophy of Identity and Recognition
Philosophy of Michel Foucault
Introduction to the Thought of Heidegger
- Ozan Demir, “The Transcendental and Hermeneutical Approaches in Heidegger’s Being and Time,” M.A. Thesis. 2023.
- Yıldırım Bayazıt, “Daimonion of Dasein: A Discussion on Heidegger's Gods and a Possible Relation between Gods and Angst (Anxiety),” M.A. Thesis. 2022.
- Kadriye Sena Baydar, “The Problem of the Feminist Subject and Butler's Alternative,” M.A. Thesis. 2022.
- Elif Tektaş, “An Inquiry into Marginalized Sexual Identities in the Context of Minorities within a Minority,” M.A. Thesis. 2022.
- Cenk Ülker, “The Philosophy of Michel Foucault: From Archaeology to Genealogy, from Structuralism to Poststructuralism,” M.A. Thesis. 2022.
- Necdet Yıldız, “Nietzsche and Foucault on the Relation between Knowledge and Power,” Ph.D. Dissertation. 2019.
- Mahsasadat Shojaei, “Literary De-Construction of Identity Categories: A Reading of the Queer Crossings in Jeanette Winterson’s Fiction from a Butlerian Perspective of Parodic Contest,” M.A. Thesis. 2017.
- Damla Sezgi, “Heideggerian Way-Making to Language,” M.A. Thesis. 2016.
- Zühtücan Soysal, “Heidegger’s Fundamental Ontology as a Political Project,” M.A. Thesis. 2016.
Jacob Allan Maze, “A Synthesis of Judith Butler’s Performative Process Ontology and Michel Foucault’s Analytics of Power,” M.A. Thesis, 2016.