Ph.D. Dissertations

Name Surname

Advisor & Co-Advisor

Dissertation Title

Ahmet Erdem Çiftçi

Yasin Ceylan

The Possibility of an Ethical Transcendental Philosophy in Levinas

Ahmet Eyim

Erdinç Sayan

On the significance of idealizations in sciene

Akşit Gökçesu

Samet Bağçe

Women’s nature (phusis) and diseases as objects of observation in the hippocratic gynecological texts : an epistemological study

Argun Abrek Canbolat

Erdinç Sayan

Persisting humans : a study on vague composition in four-dimensional space-time

Arman Besler

David Grünberg

A discussion on how to formulate the question of contingency in Leibniz's system: a logical approach

Aslı Yazıcı

Ahmet İnam

An Inquiry Concerning the Place of Emotions in Virtue Ethics: A Comparison Between Aristotle and Kant

Aysun Aydın

Ahmet İnam

 Lived Experience: Dewey’s Naturalistic Conception

Ayşe Uslu

Elif Çırakman

The Dissolution of the frame problem from the perspective of embodied and enactive intertwinement of affect and cognition

David Grünberg

Ahmet İnam

 On the Possibility of Epistemic Justification: A Semanticoepistemic Approach

Elif Çırakman

Ahmet İnam

The Ground of Law and Being Human:A Kantian Antinomy and its Repercussiions in Kant, Heideggerand Levinas

Emrah Günok

Elif Çırakman

Spanning the gap: Heidegger's Solution to the problem of transcendence and his critique of modern subjectivity

Ertuğrul Rufayi Turan

Ahmet İnam

 The Problem of Solidarity in Whitehead's Pluralistic Universe

Eylem (Yenisoy) Şahin  

Ş. Halil Turan

A Critical reading of Alan Badiou : relativism in Badiou's theory of truth

Güven Özdoyran

 Ahmet İnam

 Kants Political Philosophy

İbrahim Özdemir

Yasin Ceylan

The Ethical Dimension of Human Attitude Towards Nature

İsmail Serin

Yasin Ceylan

 The Quiddity of Knowledge in Kant's Critical Philosophy

Nil Avcı

 Ahmet İnam

 Investigation of the Romantic Themes and Tensions in Classical American Pragmatism

Sedef Beşkardeşler

M. Mutlu Baç


Selma Aydın Bayram

Yasin Ceylan

The Use of the concept of intrinsic value in anthropocentric and non-anthropocentric approaches in environmental ethics: a metaethical investigation

Sibel Kibar

Barış Parkan

An inquiry on justice : bases, bearers and principles

Ş. Halil Turan

Ahmet İnam

Teo Grünberg

The Scope of Cartesian Epistemology

Yakup Hamdioğlu

Ahmet İnam

The Emergence of the Immaterial Sprit Through the Material Psyche in the Philosophy of George Santayana

M.A. Theses

Name Surname

Advisor & Co-Advisor

Thesis Title

A. Baki Güçlü

Yasin Ceylan

Philosophy on the Way to Metaphor: Perlocutionary Argument and the Function of Indirection in Philosophy

Ahmet Eyim

David Grünberg

A Reconsideration of the problem of universals a contemporary perspective

Alişan Genç

Andrea Rehberg

Heidegger's thinking of earth in "the origin of the work of art" : the self-withdrawal of being and the other beginning

Aret Karademir

Ahmet İnam

Foucault, sexuality, and an epistemico-ontological ground for resistance

Argun Abrek Canbolat 

Barış Parkan

A study of the self in Nietzsche's fatalistic universe of eternal recurrence

Berk Yaylım

Ahmet İnam

Revisiting Immanence and Conatus in Spinoza

Burcu Kolçak

Ahmet İnam

Revisiting Foucault from the Perspective of ‘the History of the Present'

Çiğdem Çıracıoğlu

Barış Parkan

The Deviation of consciousness into bad faith in Sartre’s Being and nothingness

Deniz Kundakçı

Yasin Ceylan

Ex contingente necessarium or a philosophical analysis of the connection between Weber and Marx

Emrah Günok

Akın Ergüden

Reformulation of the concept of understanding in Heidegger's and Gadamer's hermeneutic theories

Evren Soytok

Ahmet İnam

Nietzsche on Convalescence

Eyüp Ali Kılıçaslan

Yasin Ceylan

Semantic Conception of Truth and the Problem of Truth Bearers

Işıl (Aksoy) Çeşmeli

Ş. Halil Turan

The theory of passions in cartesian philosophy

Metin Bal

Yasin Ceylan

Kant`s Dichotomic philosophy in the critique of judgement

Sedef Beşkardeşler

Barış Parkan

Nietzsche on Fate and Freedom (Nietzsche Felsefesinde Yazgı ve Özgürlük)

Selma Aydın Bayram

Ş. Halil Turan

The relation of freedom and evil in Kant’s moral philosophy

Serdal Tümkaya

Ayhan Sol

Is cultural neurophılosophy possible?

Sibel Kibar

Akın Ergüden

How the dialectical relationship between consciousness and life is differentiated in Hegel's and Marx's philosophies

Zöhre Koçkan

Elif Çırakman

Bergson’s method of intuition: towards a philosophy of life