Samet Bağçe
Assoc. Prof. Dr. SAMET BAĞÇE
Phone: +90 312 210 5333 Office: Z-44
Ph.D. from London School of Economics-University of London (Great Britain), 1995. Research interests: philosophy and methodology of science with special attention to the problems of reason and change in science, and the "context of discovery"-"context of justification" distinction; history and philosophy of geometry, with a special interest in the role of "heuristics" in geometrical progress; social dimensions of knowledge; Kant, Poincaré and Reichenbach. Publications include:
"Poincaré's Philosophy of Geometry and Its Relevance to His Philosophy of Science" in J.-L. Greffe, G. Heinzmann and K. Lorenz (eds.),Henri Poincaré: Science and Philosophy, Akademie Verlag, 1996, 299-314.