Phone:  +90 312 210 5970 Office:  B49


Social and Political Philosophy, Continental Philosophy, Critical Philosophy of Race, Decolonial Thought, Feminist & Queer Theory, Philosophy of the Body and Affect



Ph.D., Philosophy, University of Oregon, 2016.

Graduate Certificate, Women’s and Gender Studies, University of Oregon, 2016.

M.A., Philosophy, University of Oregon, 2013.

B.A., Philosophy, Koç University, 2011.

B.A., Psychology, Koç University, 2011.

Certificate, Gender Studies, Koç University, 2011.




​​Journal Articles​:

“Liberalism Unveiled: FEMEN-Muslim Women Debate and the Question of Freedom” (peer reviewed), Woman 2000 Journal of Women’s Studies, 20(2), 29-42 (Summer 2019).

“A Feminist Genealogy of the Lived Body? Rethinking the Gendered Body as a Site of Excess and Indeterminacy” (peer reviewed), Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology, 50-4 (2019).

“‘The Most Naked Phase of Our Struggle’: Gendered Shaming and Masculinist Desiring-Production in Turkey’s War on Terror” (peer reviewed), Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy (special issue on Gender and the Politics of Shame), 33-3 (Summer 2018).

“At the Contours of Corporeality: Critique as Will to Power” (peer reviewed), Beytulhikme: An International Journal of Philosophy, 8-1 (Summer 2018).

“The Imaginary and Descartes’ Paradoxical Rationality” (peer reviewed), Flsf: Journal of Philosophy and Social Sciences issue 25 (Spring 2018).

“Kırılganlığın İadesi: Egemenlik ve Biyo-İktidar Kesişiminde Eril Siyaset” (invited, editorially reviewed), Cogito issue 87 (Summer 2017).

“Beyond the Modern/Religious Dichotomy: The Veil and Feminist Solidarity in Contemporary Turkey” (invited, peer reviewed), ​Philosophical Topics, eds. Jean Keller and Bonnie Mann, 41-2 (Fall 2013), issue on Envisioning Plurality: Feminist Perspectives on Pluralism in Ethics, Politics, and Social Theory.

“Embodied Affective Experience in Saba Mahmood’s ​Politics of Piety: Reformulating Agency for an Inclusive Transnational Feminism” (peer reviewed), ​APA Newsletter on Feminism and Philosophy, ed. Margaret Crouch, 12-1 (Fall 2012), issue on ​Globalizing Feminist Philosophy.


Book Chapters:

“Kilise Büyücüleri Neden Hep Yakar?,” Ulus Baker’i Okumak (ed. Onur Eylül Kara). İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları.

“Perf/normativity: Between Butler and Rorty,” Philosophical Problems in the Contemporary World (eds. Dilek Arlı Çil & Nihal Petek Boyacı Gülenç). Bern: Peter Lang, 2019.

“Hazzın Siyaseti, Dağınık Mücadeleler ve Feminizmin Dünya İnşaları,” Toplum, Siyaset ve Etik: Felsefi Sorusturmalar (ed. Eray Yağanak & Ahmet Umut Hacıfevzioğlu). İstanbul: Sentez Yayıncılık, 2019.

“Judith Butler,” Modern Felsefe Tartışmaları (ed. Eray Yağanak). İstanbul: Sosyal Yayınlar, 2018.

“The Affective Epistemology of Ignorance: A Phenomenology of White Unknowing” Epistemological, Ethical, and Political Issues in Modern Philosophy (eds. Eray Yağanak & Ahmet Umut Hacıfevzioğlu). Bern: Peter Lang, 2018.

“The Revolutionary Politics of Love: Pussy Riot and Punk Rock as Feminist Practice” in ​New Philosophies of Sex and Love, (eds. Sarah LaChance Adams, Chris Davidson, and Caroline Lundquist). London: Rowman & Littlefield International, 2016.


Blog Post:

“On Being a Community of Women Philosophers: SWIP-TR Conferences in Isolation” Blog of the APA, URL:


Book Reviews:

“S. Rodrigues and E. Przybylo’s (eds.) On the Politics of Ugliness” (June 2021), Affilia: Journal of Women and Social Work, 1-4, Sage Journals.

“Laura Robert’s Irigaray and Politics” (Spring 2021), APA Newsletter on Feminism and Philosophy, 20-3.

“Jacob M. Held and William Irwin’s (eds.) Wonder Woman and Philosophy: The Amazonian Mystique” (2020), Hypatia Online Reviews.

“Sarah Jane Cervenak’s ​Wandering: Philosophical Performances of Racial and Sexual Freedom” (2016), ed. Miriam C. Aronin, ​History: Reviews of New Books volume 44-3, Taylor & Francis.



“On Spiritual Activism: Rethinking Feminist Praxis with Anzaldúa, Lorde, and Nietzsche,” Feminists Care for the Political: Theory, Practice, and Advocacy hosted by Sabancı University, Istanbul, June 2021 (online).

“Between Nietzsche and Anzaldúa: Toward a Decolonial Feminist Philosophy of Healing,” SWIP-TR Conference, Nov. 2020 (hosted online by Maltepe University, Istanbul).

“Remembering Genocide, Past and Present: On Collective Memory, Forgetting, and Being Haunted by History in Contemporary Turkey,” (invited speaker for RPA’s panel on Anticolonial MENA Thought), Eastern APA, Jan. 2020, Philadelphia, PA.

“Queer Performativity as Paradox: Freedom and Resistance in Butler, Fanon, and Haraway,” SWIP-TR Conference, Nov. 2019, Mugla, Turkey.

Also published in Arkhe-Logos’s Fall 2020 issue (vol. 9).

“The Myth of the Brown Rapist: The Refugee Crisis and the Colonial/Modern Gender System,” the Association of Feminist Ethics and Social Theory’s Conference, Oct. 2019, Clearwater, FL.

“Queering Punk Masculinities: Critical Subversions and Performative Reproductions in the Istanbul Punk Scene,” International Symposium on Men and Masculinities, Sept. 2019, Istanbul, Turkey.

“Decolonizing the Imagination: Art and Resistance in the Ongoing Refugee Crisis,” Resistant Imaginations Conference, Feb. 2019, Eugene, OR.

“Doing Philosophy as a Woman: Reflections on Tansel, Keskin, and İbişi’s Writings” (respondent; in Turkish), SWIP-TR Conference, Oct. 2018, Ankara, Turkey.

Also published in Cogito’s Winter 2018 issue, Türkiyeli Kadın Felsefeciler [Turkish Women Philosophers].

“Creating a Magic World: Punk, DIY Culture, and Feminist Ethics in Contemporary Turkey,” KISMIF Conference, July 2018, Porto, Portugal.

“Thinking the Anachronistic Sovereign with Judith Butler: The Question of Gender in the Global War on Terrorism,” Critical Theory in the Humanities: Resonances of the Work of Judith Butler Conference, April 2017, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

“Securitization, Futurity, and the Politics of Paranoid Temporality,” ​Collegium Phaenomenologicum Participants' Conference, July 2016, Città di Castello, Italy.

“Audre Lorde and the Epistemological Intervention of Decolonial Feminist Poetry​,”

philoSOPHIA ​Conference, March 2016, Denver, CO.

“The Ethics of Taking Up Space: Bodily Entitlement and ‘Creating-Space’ for the Other,” ​Radical Philosophy Association Conference, Nov. 2014, Stony Brook, NY.

“Demolishing the Empire of Fear: Affective Transformations, Queer Trajectories, and Eroticism in 2013 Protests in Turkey,” ​NASSP Conference, July 2014, Ashland, OR.

“Cultural Politics of Performativity: A Pragmatist Companion to Judith Butler,” ​SAAP Conference, March 2014, Denver, CO.

“Fear, Entitlement, and the Affective Economy of Ignorance: A Corporeal Account for White Unknowing,” ​SPEP Conference, Oct. 2013, Eugene, OR.

“Institutional or Communal Care? Some Difficulties in Articulating a Politics of Care,” ​FEAST Conference, Oct. 2013, Tempe, AZ.



Steering Committee Member (Diversity Chair), Association for Feminist Ethics and Social Theory (FEAST), “The Politics of Self-Care in an Unjust World,” Clearwater Beach, FL, 2022.

Chair, Fourth Annual Conference of Society for Women in Philosophy Turkey (SWIP-TR), “Philosophies of Life and Death,” METU (online), 2021.

Organizing Committee Member, Third National Congress on Applied Ethics, METU, Ankara, 2018.

Organizing Committee Member, Contemporary Political Philosophy Symposia (multiple locations), 2018-22.

Co-organizer, ​Trans* Experience in Philosophy Conference, University of Oregon, 2016.

Co-organizer, Panel on the Status of Women in Philosophy preceding SPEP at Hilton, Eugene, 2013.

Graduate Assistant, ​Society of Phenomenology and Existentialist Philosophy (SPEP)’s 2013 Meeting, Eugene, OR.



PHIL 567 Critical Philosophy of Race

PHIL 566 Decolonial Philosophy

PHIL 520 Philosophy of the Body

PHIL 365 Feminist Philosophy

PHIL 607 Queer Philosophy

Last Updated:
28/07/2022 - 23:58