Barış Parkan
Assoc. Prof. Dr. BARIŞ PARKAN
E-mail: Phone: +90 312 210 5969 Office: B118 Address: METU Department of Philosophy Universiteler Mah. Dumlupinar Blv. No:1, 06800 Ankara/TURKEY |
Ph.D., 2003, University of Texas at Austin
MA, 1996, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
BA, 1994, Bennington College
19th c. German philosophy (Hegel and Marx), Process Philosophy (Whitehead).
Areas of Competence:
Political Philosophy, Ethics (Applied Ethics, Business Ethics).
2012-2017 Associate Professor, Middle East Technical University.
2007-2011 Assistant Professor, Middle East Technical University.
2004-2006 Instructor, Middle East Technical University.
Spring 2004 Adjunct Faculty (part-time), Austin Community College.
Fall 2003 Instructor (part-time), Trinity University.
1996-2003 Teaching Assistant, University of Texas at Austin.
1994-1996 Teaching Assistant, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
Journal Articles:
“On Multinational Corporations and the Provision of Positive Rights” Journal of Business Ethics, Volume 85, Issue1 (2009), pp. 73-82. (SSCI: Social Sciences Citation Index).
“Professionalism: A Virtue or Estrangement from Self-Activity?” Journal of Business Ethics (2008) 78:77-85. (SSCI: Social Sciences Citation Index).
“A Process-Ontological Account of Work,” Axiomathes—An International Journal in Ontology and Cognitive Systems 14, Numbers 1-3 (March 2004), pp. 219-235.
Book Chapters:
“Towards A Systematic Articulation of the Concept of Work”, Work In the Contemporary World, Interdisciplinary Press, 2015.
“Work and Value as Processual Entities”, The Value of Work in Contemporary Society, Ed: Dominika Polkovska, 2014 (e-book, ISBN: 978-1-84888-357-4)
“The Narcissism of the Beautiful Soul,” Hegel-Jahrbuch, Geist, Erster Teil, Akademie Verlag, GmbH Berlin, (2010): 147-152.
“Relatively Completely Happy”, Analecta Husserliana No.102, (2009), pp. 341-353.
“A Process-Ontological Account of Work,” Process Theories—Crossdisciplinary Studies in Dynamic Categories ed. by J. Seibt, Dordrecht: Kluwer (2003): 219-235.
Papers Published in Conference Proceedings:
“The Relation Between Work and Value: A Process-Based Account,” Proceedings of the 2004 Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities: 4572-4592.
Book Review:
Noriko Kawamura, Yoichiro Murakami and Shin Chiba (editors). Building New Pathways to Peace (Seattle and Londra: University of Washington Press: 2011); Spectrum: Journal of Global Studies, Volume 6, Issue 1 (2014); pp. 131-135.
Marx, Fikir Mimarları Dizisi-27, Say Yayınları, Istanbul, 2011.
Journal Articles:
“Organik Gerçeklik: Süreç Felsefesi.” ODTÜLÜ, Volume: 59, January-March 2016, pp. 44-47.
“Feuerbach’ın Ateizmi: Sevgi İman Etmez.” Bilim ve Ütopya, Volume: 254, Year: 21, August, 2015, pp. 32-42.
“Komünizme Geçişte İnsani Güçlerin Gelişimi,” Bilim ve Ütopya, Volume: 227, Year: 19; May, 2013, pp. 17-22.
“Baskıcı Yapılar Altında Kadın-Beden İlişkisi ve Kadınsal Özellikler,” Özne 18. Kitap—Spring 2013: Feminizm ve Felsefe; pp. 43-58.
“Eleştirel Kuramda Özne ve Öz-Eleştiri Sorunu,” Felsefe Yazın, 3:10, July/August, 2007, pp. 53-56.
“Negatif Haklar, Pozitif Haklar ve Mülkiyet Hakkı Üzerine,” Felsefe Dünyası, 2006, I. No. 44, pp. 159-167. (B-tipi dergi: Philosophers Index)
Papers Published in Conference Proceedings:
“Cinsel Taciz ve Erdem Etiği,” 2. Ulusal Uygulamalı Etik Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı, 2007, pp. 551-557.
“Sessizlerin Ayrıştırımı ve Gösterimin İkiyüzlülüğü,” Ayrımcılık; Kocaeli Üniversitesi, 85, 2005.
Editor of a Book:
With Selma Aydın Bayram: 2. Ulusal Uygulamalı Etik Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı, 2007.
Patrick Murray, “Ayrı Düşen Şeyler: Tarihsel ve Sistematik Diyalektik ile Politik İktisadın Eleştirisi” (“Things Fall Apart: Historical and Systematic Dialectics and The Critique of Political Economy”); in Yeni Diyalektik ve Politik İktisat (New Dialectics and Political Economy). Editors: Robert Albritton ve John Simoulidis; Book and Translation Editor: Ersin Vedat Elgür. Nota Bene Yanyınları. Ankara: 2015; pp: 219-246.
“Human Action, Selfhood and Freedom: A Comparison between Hegel and Arendt” Istanbul International Hegel Congress- I, Oct 6-7, 2007.
“Otonom Sanat ve Siyaset”, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Adorno Sempozyumu, October 2016.
“Adalet ve Özgürlük Savaşımında Güç Fetişizmi” Asos’ta Felsefe (Philosophy in Assos) February 2016.
“Üç Kadın”, Felsefe Kültür Sanat Derneği Seminerleri, November 2015.
“İdeoloji Eleştirisinde Özgürlük ve Haz İlişkisi” MSGSÜ Bugün Marx Sempozyumu (Marx Today), March 2015.
“Marx’taki Hegel”, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Yeniden Hegel Sempozyumu Oct 2014.
“Feuerbach, Marx ve Kierkegaard’da Din ve Bireyin Oluşumu” Assos’ta Felsefe (Philosophy in Assos) February 2013.
“Etik Nedir?” Üniversite Konseyleri Derneği, Etik Günü,October 5, 2012.
“Kadın ve Felsefe” VIII. Klinik Sorumlu Hemşireleri Eğitim Sempozyumu, April 18-21, 2012.
“Marx’ta Felsefe: Zehir, Günbatımı ve Meşale,” Assos’ta Felsefe (Philosophy in Assos) February 2009.
“Nietzsche’nin Sanat Felsefesinin Politik Açılımları,” Hacettepe Üniversitesi Nietzsche Sempozyumu, 2008.
“Komünizm: Başka Bir Algılayış,” Assos’ta Felsefe (Philosophy in Assos), February, 2008.
“Emek ve Süreç: Hegel’den Marx’a,” Hacettepe Üniversitesi Hegel Sempozyumu, May 10, 2007.
PhD Dissertations:
Selma Aydın Bayram, (co-advisor); “The Use of The Concept of Intrinsic Value in Anthropocentric and Non-Anthropocentric Approaches in Environmental Ethics: A Meta-Ethical Investigation”, February 2016.
Gülizar Karahan Balya, “The Relation between Metaphysics and Art in Nietzsche’s Philosophy”, September 2015.
Burçak İsmet, “Arthur Danto’s Ontology of Aesthetics upon Pop Art”, 2014.
Burcu Yılmaz Acar, “The Underground Man of the 19th Century: A Comparative Study on Nietzsche and Marx,” January 2013.
Sibel Kibar: “An Inquiry on Justice: Bases, Bearers and Principles”, July 2011.
Master’s Theses:
Zülfükar Emir Özer, “A Critical Consideration of Narratives Concerning the Emergence of Civilization: Nietzsche and Freud”, January 2016.
Burcu Başaran, “Kant’s Transcendental Freedom”, 2015.
Çiğdem Çıracıoğlu, “The Deviation of Consciousness into Bad Faith in Sartre’s Being and Nothingness”; 2014.
Mesude Uğur, “Arendt and Marx on the Relation between Labor and Freedom” 2014.
Ekrem Övünç Özbey, “Linking Ontology to Epistemology via the Notion of Evil in Human Freedom in F.W.J. Schelling’s Philosophy” 2014.
Sedef Beşkardeşler, “Nietzsche on Fate and Freedom” 2013.
Esen Özyurt, “Freedom and Creativity in Bergson’s Philosophy,” January 2013.
Eren Can, “Marx’s Epistemology: The Relationship between Reality and Knowledge” May 2011.
Barış Yıldırım, “Marx on Form and Content: it’s all about structure, it’s all about artwork!” May 2011.
İbrahim Okan Akkın, “A Systematic Critique of Formal Democracy in Light of Radical Democracy: Towards a re-politization of the people” February 2011.
Başta Başar Binici, “Nietzsche’s Criticisms of Kantian Morality” September 2010.
Bilge Akbalık, “The Concepts of Health and Sickness in Nietzsche’s Philosophy” 2009.
Argun Abrek Canbolat, “A Study of Self in Nietzsche’s Fatalistic Universe of Eternal Recurrence”, June 2009.
Emre Ebetürk, “Tracing the Footsteps of the Young Leibniz in The Labyrinth of The Continuum” September 2008.
Sevgi Doğan, “Hegel and Marx on Alienation”, February 2008.
Volkan Kocagül, “The Theory of Capitalism and Its Ontological Foundations: A Comparative Study of Marx and Deleuze and Guattari,” November 2006.
Felsefede Duygular Sempozyumu (Emotions in Philosophy); Organizing Committee Member; October 21, 2016.
Felsefe Günleri Anlam Kongresi (Meaning Conference), Organizing Committee Member; December 17-19, 2008.
2. Ulusal Uygulamalı Etik Kongresi (2nd National Applied Ethics Conference), Organizing Committee Member; October 18-20, 2006.
TÜBA, A.Ş. Project, September 2011.
Philosophy of Marx (PHIL 353, METU)
Philosophy of Work and Business Ethics (PHIL 430, METU)